1,174 research outputs found

    Mining Question and Answer Sites for Automatic Comment Generation

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    Code comments improve software maintainability, programming productivity, and software reliability. To address the comment scarcity issue in many projects and save developers’ time in writing comments, we propose a new, general automatic comment generation approach, which mines comments from a large programming Question and Answer (Q&A) site. Q&A sites allow programmers to post questions and receive solutions, which contain code segments together with their descriptions, referred to as code-description mappings. We develop AutoComment to extract such mappings, and leverage them to generate description comments automatically for similar code segments matched in open source projects. We apply AutoComment to analyze 92,140 Java and Android tagged Q&A posts to extract 132,767 code-description mappings, which help AutoComment generate 102 comments automatically for 23 Java and Android projects. The number of generated comments is still low, but the user study results show that the majority of the participants consider the generated comments accurate, adequate, concise, and useful in helping them understand the code. One of the advantages from mining Q&A sites for automatic comment generation is that human written comments can provide information that is not explicitly in the code. In the future, we would like to focus on improving both the yield and quality of the generated comments. To improve the yield, we can replace the token-based clone detection tool with one that can detect addition and reordering of lines to increase the number of code matches. To improve the quality, we can apply advanced natural language processing techniques such as semantic role labeling to analyze the semantics of the sentences, or typed dependencies to analyze the grammatical structure of the sentences

    Integration of symbolic and algorithmic hardware and software for the automation of space station subsystems

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    Expert systems that require access to data bases, complex simulations and real time instrumentation have both symbolic and algorithmic needs. Both of these needs could be met using a general purpose workstation running both symbolic and algorithmic codes, or separate, specialized computers networked together. The later approach was chosen to implement TEXSYS, the thermal expert system, developed by the NASA Ames Research Center in conjunction with the Johnson Space Center to demonstrate the ability of an expert system to autonomously monitor the thermal control system of the space station. TEXSYS has been implemented on a Symbolics workstation, and will be linked to a microVAX computer that will control a thermal test bed. The integration options and several possible solutions are presented

    Integration of symbolic and algorithmic hardware and software for the automation of space station subsystems

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    Traditional expert systems, such as diagnostic and training systems, interact with users only through a keyboard and screen, and are usually symbolic in nature. Expert systems that require access to data bases, complex simulations and real-time instrumentation have both symbolic as well as algorithmic computing needs. These needs could both be met using a general purpose workstation running both symbolic and algorithmic code, or separate, specialized computers networked together. The latter approach was chosen to implement TEXSYS, the thermal expert system, developed by NASA Ames Research Center in conjunction with Johnson Space Center to demonstrate the ability of an expert system to autonomously monitor the thermal control system of the space station. TEXSYS has been implemented on a Symbolics workstation, and will be linked to a microVAX computer that will control a thermal test bed. This paper will explore the integration options, and present several possible solutions

    Improving Software Dependability through Documentation Analysis

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    Software documentation contains critical information that describes a system’s functionality and requirements. Documentation exists in several forms, including code comments, test plans, manual pages, and user manuals. The lack of documentation in existing software systems is an issue that impacts software maintainability and programmer productivity. Since some code bases contain a large amount of documentation, we want to leverage these existing documentation to improve software dependability. Specifically, we utilize documentation to help detect software bugs and repair corrupted files, which can reduce the number of software error and failure to improve a system’s reliability (e.g., continuity of correct service). We also generate documentation (e.g., code comment) automatically to help developers understand the source code, which helps improve a system’s maintainability (e.g., ability to undergo repairs and modifications). In this thesis, we analyze software documentation and propose two branches of work, which focuses on three types of documentation including manual pages, code comments, and user manuals. The first branch of work focuses on documentation analysis because documentation contains valuable information that describes the behavior of the program. We automatically extract constraints from documentation and apply them on a dynamic analysis symbolic execution tool to find bugs in the target software, and we extract constraints manually from documentation and apply them on a structured-file parsing application to repair corrupted PDF files. The second branch of work focuses on automatic code comment generation to improve software documentation. For documentation analysis, we propose and implement DASE and DocRepair. DASE leverages automatically extracted constraints from documentation to improve a dynamic analysis symbolic execution tool. DASE guides symbolic execution to focus the testing on execution paths that execute a program’s core functionalities using constraints learned from the documentation. We evaluated DASE on 88 programs from five mature real-world software suites to detect software bugs. DASE detects 12 previously unknown bugs that symbolic execution would fail to detect when given no input constraints, 6 of which have been confirmed by the developers. In DocRepair we perform an empirical study to study and repair corrupted PDF files. We create the first dataset of 319 corrupted PDF files and conduct an empirical study on 119 real-world corrupted PDF files to study the common types of file corruption. Based on the result of the empirical study we propose a technique called DocRepair. DocRepair’s repair algorithm includes seven repair operators that utilizes manually extracted constraints from documentation to repair corrupted files. We evaluate DocRepair against three common PDF repair tools. Amongst the 1,827 collected corrupted files from over two corpora of PDF files, DocRepair can successfully repair 354 files compared to Mutool, PDFtk, and GhostScript which repair 508, 41 and 84 respectively. We also propose a technique to combine multiple repair tools called DocRepair+, which can successfully repair 751 files. In the case where there is a lack of documentation, DASE and DocRepair+ would not work. Therefore, we propose automated documentation generation to address the issue. We propose and implement CloCom+ to generate code comments by mining both existing software repositories in GitHub and a Question and Answer site, Stack Overflow. CloCom+ generated 442 unique comments for 16 Java projects. Although CloCom+ improves on previous work, SumSlice, on automatic comment generation, the quality (evaluated on completeness, conciseness, expressiveness, and usefulness) and yield (number of generated comments) are still rather low which makes the technique not ready for real-world usage. In the future, it may be possible to combine the two proposed branches of work (documentation analysis and documentation generation) to further improve software dependability. For example, we can extract constraints from the automatically generated documentation (e.g., code comments)

    Towards Bias Correction of FedAvg over Nonuniform and Time-Varying Communications

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    Federated learning (FL) is a decentralized learning framework wherein a parameter server (PS) and a collection of clients collaboratively train a model via minimizing a global objective. Communication bandwidth is a scarce resource; in each round, the PS aggregates the updates from a subset of clients only. In this paper, we focus on non-convex minimization that is vulnerable to non-uniform and time-varying communication failures between the PS and the clients. Specifically, in each round tt, the link between the PS and client ii is active with probability pitp_i^t, which is unknown\textit{unknown} to both the PS and the clients. This arises when the channel conditions are heterogeneous across clients and are changing over time. We show that when the pitp_i^t's are not uniform, Federated Average\textit{Federated Average} (FedAvg) -- the most widely adopted FL algorithm -- fails to minimize the global objective. Observing this, we propose Federated Postponed Broadcast\textit{Federated Postponed Broadcast} (FedPBC) which is a simple variant of FedAvg. It differs from FedAvg in that the PS postpones broadcasting the global model till the end of each round. We show that FedPBC converges to a stationary point of the original objective. The introduced staleness is mild and there is no noticeable slowdown. Both theoretical analysis and numerical results are provided. On the technical front, postponing the global model broadcasts enables implicit gossiping among the clients with active links at round tt. Despite pitp_i^t's are time-varying, we are able to bound the perturbation of the global model dynamics via the techniques of controlling the gossip-type information mixing errors

    Context-Aware Transformer for 3D Point Cloud Automatic Annotation

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    3D automatic annotation has received increased attention since manually annotating 3D point clouds is laborious. However, existing methods are usually complicated, e.g., pipelined training for 3D foreground/background segmentation, cylindrical object proposals, and point completion. Furthermore, they often overlook the inter-object feature relation that is particularly informative to hard samples for 3D annotation. To this end, we propose a simple yet effective end-to-end Context-Aware Transformer (CAT) as an automated 3D-box labeler to generate precise 3D box annotations from 2D boxes, trained with a small number of human annotations. We adopt the general encoder-decoder architecture, where the CAT encoder consists of an intra-object encoder (local) and an inter-object encoder (global), performing self-attention along the sequence and batch dimensions, respectively. The former models intra-object interactions among points, and the latter extracts feature relations among different objects, thus boosting scene-level understanding. Via local and global encoders, CAT can generate high-quality 3D box annotations with a streamlined workflow, allowing it to outperform existing state-of-the-art by up to 1.79% 3D AP on the hard task of the KITTI test set

    Family Firms and Brand Products in Malaysia: Originality, Productivity and Sustainability

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    Two key questions in Malaysia's corporate history have not yet been answered. Why is it that only a small number of family firms produce brand products? Why has none emerged as a major publicly listed enterprise? This study employs concepts from family business literature as well as Alfred Chandler, Jr's business history approach to answer these questions. A blend of conceptual tools from these two bodies of literature offers insights into the evolution of these brand product family firms. By adopting this approach, this study reveals that the core issues requiring scrutiny are an enterprise's volume of investments in research and development, a skilled managerial team and an effective marketing technique. Other issues include the need for a sound succession plan and a focus on a horizontal form of enterprise development. This article also reviews the capacity of the state to enable as well as hamper the rise of domestic brand product firms

    A Unifying Tensor View for Lightweight CNNs

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    Despite the decomposition of convolutional kernels for lightweight CNNs being well studied, existing works that rely on tensor network diagrams or hyperdimensional abstraction lack geometry intuition. This work devises a new perspective by linking a 3D-reshaped kernel tensor to its various slice-wise and rank-1 decompositions, permitting a straightforward connection between various tensor approximations and efficient CNN modules. Specifically, it is discovered that a pointwise-depthwise-pointwise (PDP) configuration constitutes a viable construct for lightweight CNNs. Moreover, a novel link to the latest ShiftNet is established, inspiring a first-ever shift layer pruning that achieves nearly 50% compression with < 1% drop in accuracy for ShiftResNet.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, accepted in 2023 IEEE 15th International Conference on ASIC (ASICON 2023

    Immunopathological Roles of Cytokines, Chemokines, Signaling Molecules, and Pattern-Recognition Receptors in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus

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    Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is an autoimmune disease with unknown etiology affecting more than one million individuals each year. It is characterized by B- and T-cell hyperactivity and by defects in the clearance of apoptotic cells and immune complexes. Understanding the complex process involved and the interaction between various cytokines, chemokines, signaling molecules, and pattern-recognition receptors (PRRs) in the immune pathways will provide valuable information on the development of novel therapeutic targets for treating SLE. In this paper, we review the immunopathological roles of novel cytokines, chemokines, signaling molecules, PRRs, and their interactions in immunoregulatory networks and suggest how their disturbances may implicate pathological conditions in SLE